Little bit about what we've got goin on here

Hey guys,
I've decided to create this blog to sort of go through the daily motions of a college student trying to stay firm in his beliefs in general, but mostly religion. Whenever I do post something, it most likely will consist of what I read out of my Bible from the previous post to the new post and anything funny that has happened or just how school and life is going in general. Thanks for reading and I hope I can really inspire/help/entertain you guys.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Time of Year, Brings All Sorts of Strange Cheer

Fellow Readers,

Oh, how it has been quite a while...I am sorry for such a delay.  To tell you what has happened since my last post on here would just take days to read.  So, I will not tell you anything that has happened...  Okay, that would not be fair to all of you who have eagerly been fastened to the edge of your seats.  I promise, I will do my very best to sum up, without lolling, what I have experienced in the last month and one half.  I last left you at my grandmother leaving for Oregon until the new year.  Well, she still is gone.  Nothing has changed there.  We miss her though!  Not a very good start, I know, but lets get out the most un-interesting stuff out first.  Another not-so-interesting thing would be my phone broke on the last week of school.  The cool thing, though, is that my brother is getting a new phone; so, he graciously gave me his phone which-he likes to remind me-is valued at $400 still.  It is in great shape and is pretty much what I would have got in May when I get an upgrade.  So, it opens up my birthday present options for me.  All-in-all, not a bad deal for me.  In other news, the school year finally ended and I am currently enjoying a long awaited month off-not to rub it in to any of you fellow high school students/workers who only get 13 days off.
Exciting Stuff Since Last Entry:
After Thanksgiving, I bought myself a TV for my dorm.  Needless to say, studying was definitely put off 'til the last possible moments after that.  My roommate was extremely happy for this as well.  When I walked in with the TV, his face mimicked that of a little child on Christmas morning.  In fact, I recall mentioning something along the lines of, "Christmas came early Michael."  Speaking of Christmas, I got a gift from one of my friends that made top five gifts of all times!  It was a package of GIANT Reece's Cups!  They were the biggest Reece's cups I have ever seen, each weighing a 1/2 of a pound.  Words cannot describe how I felt about those.  Other exciting things include: ....well not too much exciting stuff has happened since then.  It has been a long month or so filled with constant stuff going on at school.  I came out with my head above the water and not dropping my GPA too much, thankfully.  OH! Something exciting that has happened: my siblings and some friends had a Mustachio Bachio With a Snazzio Touch, Christmas party last Friday night.  A mustachio what?? Some of you might be wondering.  Well, it was a Christmas party; but, rather than wearing the ever-so-popular ugly Christmas sweater(a craze that's sweeping the nation), we all dressed up in our fanciest of attire, and drank from wine and brandy glasses custom-made by our sister Ashlee(no alcohol was consumed or even near this party).  The catch, however, was that everyone either had to grow a mustache, or wear a fake one.  Pictures of this amazing party can be found on my facebook page.  If you need a link to that, leave a comment following this post.  It was a great, great night.
Okay, now the Message:
This may sound like the very standard, maybe boring, message that you always hear, but especially this time of year I feel like we need to really understand this.  Every day is a gift from God.  Every time something happens that renders a reaction from you resembling, "I can't believe this. This is amazing!!" or just anything awesome that happens; that is a gift from God.  Even when you don't think it is something good, God will always take care of you.  Every day is truly a blessing.  But, are we giving thanks every day?  I like to give thanks when I wake up in the morning by saying a quick prayer thanking Him for the day and just asking for everyone to stay safe in their travels and endeavors that day.  And I also like to say thanks in my nightly prayer.  I feel like staying safe through the day is something to be thankful for.  This time of year, most people are expecting to wake up on Christmas day to open gifts, and that's awesome!  I am not excluding myself from that.  I can't wait 'til Sunday! (wow, so close!) But, what if we treated every day like Christmas?  I mean, Christmas is a time when we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, right?  Why limit it to Christmas day?  We should celebrate the life of Jesus that is in our hearts, every day!  All-in-all, let's not forget that every day is a blessing, and truly appreciate every opportunity we are given, and enjoy the time we get to spend with family.  Merry Christmas yall!! Thanks for reading.
Signing off.

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